Science Teacher – Harrow – Long Term

Principal Recruitment Technology
Our Clients School is a happy, busy and highly successful 11-18 school, which welcomes all children from their local community, whatever their ability or background. Our Client school are here to ensure that every student achieves as much as possible during their time at their school, eventually leaving us as the best version of themselves they can possibly be. They want students to enjoy their education so that they value learning, both in and out of the classroom, and can look back fondly on their time at school. Their vision is to develop ‘world class’ students who are as well prepared as possible for the next stage in their life; articulate, ambitious young people with the strength of character, the confidence and the qualifications to compete in a highly competitive world. In return we ask you to bring only one thing with you: ambition. Ambition for yourself if you are a student and ambition for the children if you are a parent, carer, or member of staff.
Alongside academic excellence, they place a strong emphasis on impeccable manners, oracy, excellent behaviour, smartness of appearance, hard work and most importantly, kindness.
Job Role:
Our clients School is a fantastic place to work and develop as a teacher. They would love you to join Them!
They are seeking to appoint an inspiring science Teacher (Chemistry) and (Biology) who will be both an excellent classroom teacher and have the ability to lead an experienced team successfully to ensure that all students make excellent progress.
The successful candidate will be a passionate advocate for Science, who is able to communicate their enthusiasm effectively to students, parents and colleagues and who constantly seeks to raise the profile of the department within the school.
They offer:
- an outstanding Science Department of specialist teachers
- a strong and successful Science Faculty
- students who are a pleasure to teach
- a strong culture of professional development
- a heavily oversubscribed school with high standards and high expectations.
Start Date: ASAP
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Who are Principal?
The Principal founders have worked hard on understanding what ‘Supply Staff’ need from their agency’s. Transparency, communication, good rates and ease of accepting work. Principal was founded to try and bring change to the education recruitment industry. Combining a unique blend of human expertise and the latest recruitment technology, we are set to provide the best value experience for both schools and supply staff. With the Principal’s strong App and experienced staff, we ensure that working with schools through an agency has never been so easier.
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